domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016

To be or not to be an entrepreuner?

To be an entrepreuner is not easy. At the beginning if you decided to be one of them, you will suffer too much making the path to success.

Every year, one million youngsters graduate from college or turn 15, and therefore compete for jobs in the workplace. Despite the much-vaunted GDP increase hovering around 6 percent per annum during the last five years, industry’s absorptive capacity for new workplace entrants is at a dismal 17 percent. It’s not unusual to meet unemployed graduates after over a year.

Perhaps, we shouldn’t just train and program our youth to seek employment after schooling. Entrepreneurship is a very lucrative alternative to employment. Despite tens of thousands of graduates from entrepreneurship courses every year, it seems the schools don’t really churn out real entrepreneurs.

The problem perhaps is that entrepreneurship should be less knowledge-based, but more action- and experience- oriented. A summa cum laude in Entrepreneurship will never be a great entrepreneur until he starts and runs his own business.

In school, if you fail the course you cannot graduate and would probably be discouraged from becoming a real entrepreneur. In the Philippines, people go to school to become what they want to be – a lawyer, doctor, agriculturist, or engineer – and pass board exams. Schools don’t honor failures.

If I will realistically teach Entrepreneurship in school, I would probably fail half the class. In the real world, more than half the businesses fail before the fifth year of gestation. Many, if not most, entrepreneurs have failed businesses tucked under their belt early in their careers. That’s why entrepreneurs must start at an early age, experience failure, and eventually succeed later in life.

Bill Gates and Paul Allen had a failed business in 1970s, before Microsoft. When God closed the doors on Gates’ Traf-O-Data, he opened Windows.

Sam Walton failed in his first business – a Ben Franklin franchise store in Newport, Arkansas. Great entrepreneurs like Gates and Walton don’t give up. However, “persistence” and “not giving up” are not learned in school.

Schools don’t tolerate failures. Students cannot accept failure. But, the best entrepreneurs are those who have mastered the art of rising every time they fall.

So…what have you decided?, To be or not to be an entrepreuner?, that’s the million dollar question!

Source: Inquirer.

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